How much energy do you have on a daily basis? Are you satisfied with the physical state of your body?

What will it take so that no matter where you are or what you’re doing, your commitment to health stands strong? What principles are you going to incorporate into your daily routine so you can achieve the physical identity you have only dreamed of?

The Ten-Day Challenge is designed around 12 core principles that create health and energy, helping you look better, feel better, have more energy, and help you begin to optimize all of the areas of your life that are most important to you.

There are many programs, products, books and ideas in the world today about how to prevent disease, lose weight, increase your strength or improve your appearance. In fact, we spend over $100 billion annually worldwide searching for the magic formula that will yield amazing fitness and alluring physical beauty. Yet, in the United States alone, two-thirds of the people are overweight, 25 million people suffer from diabetes and half of the population are on some type of prescription drug for health problems.

The solution to these challenges, however, does not lie with technology, science, pharmacology or even the many “quick fix” solutions available. Nor does it require you to put your time, money and resources into an outside “expert” who will tell you what to do.

The solution lies with you taking charge once and for all of one of the most important areas of your life and learning how to revitalize and transform the level of physical health, energy, and vitality you experience daily. And this can all be possible if you commit yourself with full force to the Ten-Day Challenge and these 12 principles — and to hold yourself to the highest standard possible.

The result is that you will not only feel better and experience greater energy, but you will leave with a renewed sense of excitement, joy, and possibility for your entire life.

GIFT 1: The Power of Vital Breathing and Lymphasizing

Oxygen is picked up by the hemoglobin in the blood and distributed to all of the body’s trillions of cells where it is then used to fuel the cells and release energy (ATP). In addition, the body is largely composed of the element oxygen. This is why the optimal oxygenation of your cells through proper nutrition, fluid intake, exercise and stress management is crucial in order to maintain your health and create a vital life. And one of the best ways to help oxygenate your body is to learn how to breathe correctly.

Every day, take 10 Power Breaths 3 times a day in the ratio: 1-4-2 (i.e., inhale for 8 seconds, hold for 32 seconds, then exhale for 16 seconds)

Your lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that is responsible for cleansing and nourishing your body. But unlike your cardiovascular system, your lymphatic system has no circulatory pump of its own, so it depends upon physical exercise and movement to propel lymph fluids throughout your body.

Lymphasizing is all about stimulating and improving your lymphatic circulation. And research has shown that exercise that involves opposing gravity does the most for your lymphatic system. This is why 20-30 minutes of rebounding, or bouncing, preferably on a “rebounder,” will help provide the ideal conditions for cleansing your cells.

Rebounding has innumerable benefits, which include providing the stimulus for a free-flowing lymphatic drainage system, which helps rid your body of toxins, cancer cells, wastes, trapped protein, bacteria, viruses and other waste the cells cast off.

GIFT 2: The Power of Living Water and Live Foods

Water is an essential and major component of all living matter. It is the largest single component of the body: Our brains are 76% water, our lungs are 90% water, our blood is 84% water, and blood plasma is 98% water. Critical bodily functions such as digestion, circulation and excretion cannot occur without it. It carries nutrients to all vital body substances, plays a crucial role in maintaining body temperature and serves as building material for growth and repair of the body.

Every day, drink half of your body weight in ounces daily. And strive for at least 70% of your diet to consist of water-rich foods. This will allow your body to cleanse itself.

GIFT 3: The Power of Essential Oil

Completely eliminating fat from your diet is one of the worst things you can do! The truth is that fats are very important to our diets and overall health; the secret is to know which fats are healthy and which fats will kill. Essential fatty acids are healthy or hearing fats — every cell in your body requires them to function, particularly your brain, which is made up of 60% fat.

These good fats consist of the essential fatty acids: Omega 3 and Omega 6. Your body must consume these fats to survive. Without them the lipid membrane around your cells starts to break down.

To supplement your diet with the essential fatty acids, try the following options:

•    Consume foods that contain unprocessed fats in their natural state: avocado, nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, oils such as flax seed, olive oil and fish oil
•    Twin Lab’s Krill Oil: 300 mg per day
•    Udo’s Choice Oil Blend: 1 tablespoon per 50 lbs of body weight per day

GIFT 4: The Power of Alkalinity — Go Green!

Balanced body chemistry and maintaining a proper ratio between acid and alkaline foods in your diet are of vital importance to maintaining your health. In fact, too much acidity in the body’s tissues is the cause of many types of health changes ranging from lethargy and fatigue, to obesity, and ultimately to much bigger health challenges and disease.

One of the highest priorities of your body is to make sure that the alkalinity throughout your body remains at a level supporting cellular life. To help promote an alkaline state to support cellular life in your body, follow these rules:

•    Consume 70-80% foods that are alkali-forming and life giving (green vegetables, almonds, avocados, lemons, limes, etc.)
•    Avoid acid-forming foods that are devoid of life: animal meats, dairy products, refined white foods, sugars, caffeine, etc.
•    Supplement your diet with quality greens such as: Anthony Robbins’ Inner Balance Pure Energy Greens with MSM
•    Test your pH
•    Keep it simple: add fresh lemon to your water daily!

GIFT 5: The Power of Aerobic Energy

The term “aerobic” means, literally, “with oxygen” and refers to moderate exercise sustained over a period of time. Your aerobic system gives you your endurance, and it encompasses the heart, lungs, blood vessels and aerobic muscles. If you condition your metabolism to operate aerobically, and supply it with proper diet and exercise, you burn fat as your primary fuel.

Follow these guidelines for aerobic exercise:

•    Build your base with 30 minutes of quality exercise 3-5 times per week (walk, run, swim, bike, take an aerobics or spinning class, ski, snowboard, etc.) This will also help lower your set point.
•    Understand your ideal aerobic training heart rate: 180 minus your age
•    Create a training plan: Once you have a base established, craft a regimen that will take your health to the next level.
•    Make it fun: Add elements to your routine (music, friends, a change of environment, a compelling race, etc.) to motivate you to follow through.

GIFT 6: The Power of Maximum Nourishment

Our daily goal is to consume the foods that will help serve our body. To achieve maximum nourishment, follow these guidelines:

  1. Adhere to the five rules of healthy eating
  2. Drink water before or after your meals, not during
  3. Properly combine your foods (eat fruit only on an empty stomach; do not eat carbs and proteins together; eat green vegetables/salad with proteins or with carbs; do not combine fats with proteins)
  4. Eat in a relaxed state
  5. Eat comfortable amounts of food (eat less so you can live long to eat more!)
  6. Eat organic (foods free of pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones)
  7. Watch the “Flash Flood Sugar Effect”” Keep your Glycemic Index below 55
  8. Create your Ideal Food Pyramid: 70% of your diet should be live foods, 10% plant-based proteins or quality fish, 10% carbohydrates, and 10% quality oils
  9. Supplement!
  10. Create the Base: Follow a daily regimen with the 7 Vital Nutrients for a foundation of health
  11. Challenge and Grow: Complete a periodic cleanse of your internal organs and body
  12. Celebrate and Reward: Supplement for specific conditions and maximize your results!

GIFT 7: Structural Alignment and Maximum Strength

The human body was designed for motion. Yet few of us actually use the full range of movement. This gift, the power of structural alignment and maximum strength, is designed to take charge of the motion-powered musculoskeletal system: one of the primary foundations and framework for human health and the systems that support it. Over the next ten days:

1)    Move! Avoid living in a box: Take the stairs, stay active and move many muscles in your body as you can daily!
2)    Implement an effective regimen of stretches and exercises that are balanced through bilateral symmetry and working opposing muscle groups. (Get an evaluation and personalized program from Pete Egoscue:

GIFT 8: The Power of a Directed Mind and Heart

For thousands of years, alternative forms of medicine have focused on a natural, internal ability of the body to raise its resistance, fight disease and create health. One of the most potent biological mechanisms that promotes this type of health and healing is found directly in the mind. utilized and directed effectively, our thoughts, emotions and mindset can be one of the most potent allies toward mitigating disease and manifesting energy and vitality.

Make a concerted effort to practice these principles:

•    Stand guard at the door of your mind: Condition empowering emotions such as gratitude, courage, faith, determination, compassion and love. Break your pattern and avoid emotions that create stress.
•    Utilize the healing power of the heart: Three times a day stop what you are doing and shift your focus (mind, breath, emotion) to the area around your heart.
•    Flood yourself with positive memories and future visions 10 minutes a day

POISON 1: Eliminate or Reduce Processed Fats

The major kinds of fats in the foods we eat are saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and trans fatty acids. On average, Americans consume 35-40% of our total calories in fat. The dangers of bad fats (or processed fats) include poor circulation (leading to high blood pressure), poor elimination, excess congestion and toxicity in the body. In addition, the body is not able to perform the functions that good fats (or unprocessed fats) provide.

This is why it is critical to:

•    Eliminate or dramatically reduce your consumption of processed fats, trans fats and hydrogenated fats
•    Keep your total daily fat intake below 25% (i.e., fewer than 25% of the calories you ingest should be fat, ideally less)

POISON 2: Eliminate or Reduce Animal Flesh

Countless studies and innumerable amounts of research have shown a direct relationship between an animal-based diet and such chronic illnesses as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Even small amounts of animal-based foods can cause adverse effects. So for the next ten days:

•    Eliminate or dramatically reduce your consumption of animal flesh
•    Total protein intake should be 5-6% per day and should come from plant-based sources, which are more efficient and have more antioxidants, fiber and minerals
If after the 10-Day Challenge you decide you still must consume animal flesh, follow the rules: eat it once a day, combine it with green vegetables/salad, eat it in the middle of the day, and choose a source that is free range, kosher, antibiotic free and organic.

POISON 3: Eliminate or Reduce Dairy Products

Recent studies on the effects of dairy products have shown that dairy makes a greater contribution to osteoporosis, kidney problems and certain forms of cancers. In one of the most prominent and comprehensive nutritional studies to date, The China Study, lead researcher Dr. T. Colin Campbell found that cancer was consistently promoted by casein, which makes up 87% of cow’s milk protein. Additionally, women who eat diets rich in animal foods excrete more calcium in their urine, providing a negative calcium balance. So for the next ten days:

•    Eliminate or dramatically reduce your consumption of dairy products
•    Daily calcium intake should be 400 milligrams per day and should come from plant-based sources that are calcium rich
•    Try other alternatives (in moderation) such as rice milk, soy milk, or almond milk when you desire the texture or taste

POISON 4: Eliminate or Reduce Acid Addictions

A diet that promotes over-acidification of the blood and tissues allows for a terrain that is conducive to the growth of virus, bacteria, yeast and fungus — the great decomposers of cells and tissues in the human body.

To reduce and eliminate acid you need a diet consisting of live alkaline foods: dark green and yellow vegetables, sprouted nuts, seeds, grains and essential fatty acids. This diet lowers the over-acidification of the blood and tissues with its abundance of bases and alkaline salts. So for the next ten days:

•    Eliminate or dramatically reduce your consumption of acid addictions
•    Use your common sense! Say no to the following addictions: caffeine, sugar, whites, vinegar, alcohol, nicotine and drugs. Associate yourself to the consequences and break your pattern.
•    Alkalize! When you are consuming at least 70-80% alkaline, life-giving foods, your body will naturally decrease its desire for these addictions. 

Posted by: Team Tony